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Criminal Law

We are contracted with the Legal Aid Agency for the provision of legal services relating to criminal cases and actions against public bodies.

If arrested at the Police Station or attending a Police Station voluntarily for an interview under caution, legal advice and assistance is free at the point of request. Please note that this is not subject to any means or merits testing. It is available to all.

Public funding is available at the Magistrates Court subject to the merits of the case and your financial means. If you do not satisfy the criteria for the award of public funding, we will advise you as to alternative methods to fund your case such as private payment.

Public funding is available at the Crown Court which is also subject to your financial circumstances and facts of your case. If public funding is granted subject to your personal circumstances, a means based contribution may be necessary. The Legal Aid Agency will contact you direct to confirm what contribution if any, will be required and over what period of time.

If your individual circumstances do not permit the granting of public funding in your case or indeed should you choose to instruct us privately, then we are pleased to offer highly competitive private rates, potential payment plans or set fees (road traffic) to hopefully meet your budgetary and time requirements.

Civil Law

Subject to the facts of your case and your personal circumstances, we can offer a variety of funding options to enable you to proceed with your case.

What funding is available to you will depend upon a number of factors to include the nature of your case, your personal and financial circumstances and the merits of your case.

We can offer multiple funding options to include:

  • Public Funding (Legal Help and Legal Aid)
  • Conditional Fee Arrangements ( “no win, no fee”)
  • Private terms (affordable payment plans available)

We will advise you as to your eligibility for public funding first and foremost as this is the most cost-effective method to fund your case.

If your particular circumstances do not permit public funding, alternative means of funding your case will be explained. This will allow you to make a considered choice as to which method of funding works best for you.

I use TaylorGoodchild because I know who I’m going to get to represent me. They are a close knit team and all on the same wavelength.

Mr F

I use TaylorGoodchild because I know who I’m going to get to represent me. They are a close knit team and all on the same wavelength.

Mr F

Legal Aid & Funding Available